Tuesday, March 11, 2008


Feeling and Seeing hurts more than being shattered to millions of pieces....

i dun even know what is this feeling i am feeling, what is it that i see? Is it the feeling of being lonely? Is it the feeling of being broken? Doesnt it all comes to d same?? PAin...SaDnEss...

I guess old habits do die hard.. Its not easy to change..its Easy say than done..
Maybe i am not mature enough... Time passes so fast that there is not even little time for life to be reflected on...

Suppose how time is managed depends on us... How and what our feelings are is how we look at things.. Things may not be as wat it seems.. Yet, if it does, theres nothin much that can be done, Can it?

song which suits the mood : Emmy Rossum - Slow me Down


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